Larry Gray
Interim CEO, COO
Larry has an extensive background in healthcare management, technology, financial services and learning applications. After holding leadership positions in hospitals and medical centers, Larry became the CEO of three successful start-up companies, the COO of a $500 million publicly traded company, and the President and CEO of a $2 billion publicly traded company.
Larry has consulted with national healthcare organizations to position companies strategically, drive new products and services, consolidate operations efficiently, introduce consumer driven marketing, and improve profitability. Larry was the President and Chief Executive Officer of a California based health plan that grew profitably from $4 million to over $300 million in revenue in less than six years. He then became President and Chief Executive Officer of a $2 billion in revenue healthcare organization, guiding that organization to a successful merger. Larry holds a M.S. degree in Business Administration from Boston University and a B.S. degree in Business and Management from the University of Maryland.
Company Stage Focus: Startup, Eartly Stage,Turnaround/Distressed, Fortune 500, Public, Private, Private Equity Backed,Family Owned
President and Chief Executive Officer, $300 million healthcare services company
Developed and implemented the strategy and operational plans to grow this organization from $4 million in revenue to over $300 million in five years. Achieved a cash flow positive position within 18 months of start up. Positioned company for sale.
President and Chief Executive Officer, $20 million healthcare services company
Founded, licensed, and directed the strategic and operational plans to launch this company in two states. Led business development and partnerships agreements to sell benefits plans to employers and drive business in hospital and physician networks. Designed and implemented the technology systems for overall management. Positioned company for sale.
President and Chief Executive Officer, $2.3 billion healthcare services company
Reorganized the corporate structure, marketing, advertising, and products for this organization, resulting in a 15% increase in the stock price in one year. Directed the conversion of five technology systems into one system. Negotiated and developed overall merger plan for the corporation.
Chief Operating Officer, $500 million healthcare delivery company
Developed and executed on operating plans that resulted in 30% annual revenue growth and an 11% operating margin improvement. Designed and implemented a national patient database to be used for national research opportunities and measure outcomes of treatment and satisfaction rates among patients. Drove stock price from $8 to $16 per share.
Chief Executive Officer, $25 million healthcare technology company
Reorganized the board of directors and developed new strategy to drive product to national market. Developed and led business development process to reduce sales cycle time and technology integration timelines. Positioned company for sale
•Grew revenue profitability from $4M to $300M in 5 years (company sold)
•Founded and grew start up company to $20M (company sold)
•Grew stock price 15% in one year for a $2B revenue public company (company merged)
•Grew stock price from $8/share to $16/share in 3 years through M&A and ops improvement
•Transformed company through new strategy & technological improvement (company sold)
•Board Director, CareAmerica Health Plans, $300 million healthcare services company
•Board Chairman, Health Visions Corporation, $20 million healthcare services company
•Board Director, FHP of California, $2.3 billion healthcare services corporation
•Board Director, Medical Present Value, $25 million healthcare technology company
•Board Director, Spectrum Technology Services, $25 million financial services company
•Master of Science degree in Business Administration, Boston University
•Bachelor of Science degree in Business and Management, University of Maryland
Years Executive Experience: (32)
# of Interim Roles: (12)
# of Board Roles: (21)
Company Size: ($5.1M-$10B)
• Building a Management Team
• Board Advisory
• Corporate Negotiation
• Corporate Development
• Joint Ventures
• International Business
• Business Valuation
• Debt and Refinancing
• Turnaround: Distress
• Financial Analysis
• Investment Advisory
• Liquidation
• Operations: Cost
• Cycles/Response
• Outsourcing
• Process Improvement
• Client Relations Management
• Business Development
• Sales Management
• Team Development
• Partner Programs
• Pricing Strategies
• Sales Forecasting
• Fundraising
• Company Sale
• Acquisition Integration
• B2B Marketing
• B2C Marketing
• Brand Management
• Market Development
• Product Marketing
• Marketing Strategy
• Systems Integration & Infrastructure
• Healthcare Delivery
• Healthcare Services
• Healthcare Information Technology
• Healthcare Financing
• Financial Services
• Education/Learning Applications
• Physician/Hospital Networks