Give Us Your Shills, Your Deadbeats, Your Huddled Signers Yearning to Cover for Disguised Anonymous LLC Owner: The Quiz for Executives

Give Us Your Shills, Your Deadbeats, Your Huddled Signers Yearning to Cover for Disguised Anonymous LLC Owner: The Quiz for Executives

True call, came in just now:

Caller: “I’m a lawyer in California with a client in XW (redacting state name so goons don’t come after us). We need a manager for an LLC. Do you have a COO who could sign a member LLC agreement?

InterimExecs: “You mean an interim COO? Do you have existing operations?”

Caller: “No, it’s a startup.”

InterimExecs: “Ok, well, what kind of operations are planned, how many employees, what kind of funding?”

Caller: “We need someone to sign because the state requires a member signature and they’d have to sign in all the places. In the construction industry.”

InterimExecs: “But this is an operational role?”

Caller: “No, The CEO does not want to disclose his identity.”

Man holding his hand to his forehead in confusion

One Question Quiz for Executives

Q: How would you respond at this point?

a. How much will you pay?
b. Are you out of your fucking mind?
c. Your accent is interesting…what country are you actually calling from?
d. No.

Our answer: d.

We also like b. b would have been a better answer, but we were still trying to be polite.

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